#!/bin/sh ### # # this script is to be launched on dar command line when creating an archive with -s option (slicing) # you need to run this script from dar, adding the following argument on command-line # # -E "dar_par_create.duc %p %b %N %e %c 20" # # note that 20 means 20% of redundancy, tune it to your needs # ### # # if you prefer you can also add the line above in your the $HOME/.darrc file # under the create: conditional statement (see dar man page) # ### # # usage par_script slice.basename slice.number extension level # generates a Parchive redundancy file from the slice file # ### if [ "$1" = "" -a "$2" = "" -a "$3" = "" -a "$4" = "" -a "$6" = "" ]; then echo "usage: $0 " echo "$0 builds Parchive redundancy file for the given slice" exit 1 fi # change according to you need PAR=par2 echo "creating PAR file for file $1/$2.$3.dar ..." exec $PAR c -r$6 -n1 "$1/$2.$3.$4" # script returned code it those of par